
The better way to connect employee data

Discover SynkBridge, the platform for a new synergy between your HR systems. Optimize your work with essential data - from extraction to conversion to the daily use of this sensitive information.
Secure On-premise and Cloud
Enterprise & SMB ready
Source System
Person 1
Person 2
Person 4
Person 3
Person 3
Destination System
Person 1
Person 2
Person 4
Person 4
Person 3

  • Unite
  • PORR
  • Rohlik Group

Our features

Optimize your work with essential data - from extraction and conversion to the daily use of this sensitive information.
  • A powerful Client

    Is the basis of the solution. Imagine one of the modern production platforms in the automotive industry - one platform, many models. The Synkbridge essentially goes one step further. Any interface has its origins here.
    You can design your own interface, your bundle, yourself or with our support, or access existing bundles in the store and use them as they are ready. Each of your bundles can take the best of your previous bundles and learn from them.
  • Client

    Reusable Bundles

    The entire logic and function is stored in reusable script packages, so-called sync bundles. These can be written by the customer or by EZMID (on your behalf) in Python or one of the many other supported languages. We work with you to use a broad base of proven technology to create something new.
    The bundle (the finished interface, so to speak) is then executed and the customer can monitor the status of their interface run at any time in the dashboard. Any abnormalities are of course logged.
  • Secure Bundle Store

    Your bundles should be available to other customers - get a refund on your investment. You decide whether and how the bundled know-how is available to other customers. You have seen in the store that an existing bundle may already fit your situation exactly. Download from the store, customize and off you go.
    The Synk Store is our common marketplace for ready-made Synk bundles that can do more than just create a real synergy between systems. But new functions and features can also be loaded here.
Björn LedererPlatform Expert
Do you have any questions?
You can contact me here.